

Showing Faith with Reasons to Believe

Reasons to Believe

Jim is having a crisis of faith. Nothing to do with a higher power or his place in the universe. Those questions can wait for later. What’s nagging him this morning is whether the company he works for, FreshMintz, really does make good on their promise of delivering the ideal pallet cleansing confectionery. 

His boss, Melissa, notices something’s up as soon as he arrives. “Step into my office,” she says. 

Jim grabs a seat in the alarmingly comfortable armchair and lays out his doubts. “Listen, I’ve read the CVP, I understand our message, but who’s to say we’re not just making empty promises? Are our mints really the freshest out there? Where’s the proof?” 

Melissa smirks, collects a series of papers off her desk, and without ever breaking eye contact, hands them to Jim. “Here’s your proof,” she says.

Jim looks at the papers. “You want me to join the flat earth society?”

“Shoot, sorry,” says Melissa. “Wrong papers. Those were dropped off by some doorknockers this morning. This is the proof you need.” 

Jim holds the new document in front of him. The words ‘FreshMintz Reasons to Believe’ emit an almost heavenly glow. It outlines tangible proof and evidence for exactly how and why their mints are as fresh as they claim to be. 

Jim looks up, a single tear rolling down his cheek. 

Melissa smiles. “Now you’ve seen the light.” 

You gotta walk the talk 

Your customer value proposition (CVP) is going to make some big claims – and so it should! A CVP is there to clearly define the unique value your product or service offers. But those claims are going to crumble without proper evidence holding them up. 

Time for some Reasons to Believe (RTB). RTBs should list the experience, talents, abilities, and any other reasons that underpin your business’ capability to solve your clients’ problems. 

They establish your credibility. They reduce any perceived risks. They strengthen your brand’s reliability. And, most importantly, they help you cut through the competition.

Say it loud, proud, and clearly 

RTBs signal why your brand is good at doing the things it says it does well. That’s something you should be proud of – clearly shouting it from the rooftops and not keeping it locked away behind corporate jargon. 

A clear RTB enhances your brand’s overall perception. It builds transparency and confidence. 

They also strengthen marketing communications, by taking away your consumers’ anxiety. What’s this? These guys actually have consistent proof of delivering on their promises? That’s… refreshingly encouraging. 

Make sure the proof is in the pudding 

A Reason to Believe is no good if the reason isn’t genuine or verifiable. 

Your RTBs should specifically address audience concerns and needs in your CVP. But a house built on sand is subject to some pretty poor structural integrity. 

Therefore, your RTBs should put a big spotlight on your brand’s experience, abilities, and other reassurances. Samsung wants you to believe that their phones have the best cameras out of any smartphone. And they give you a reason to believe that claim through marketing campaigns that show all the breathtaking photos you could be taking on your new Samsung Galaxy. 

The CVP is what problems do you solve. The RTBs show how you solve those problems. 

So, RTBs are great for boosting your brand externally

Yep. But they also have a use internally. 

As our friend Jim discovered, RTBs do wonders for the culture and confidence within your business. They give every member of a team the belief that they are working towards something unified, something real. 

And that’s just as important as the external stuff. 

Do you believe us yet? 

Clear RTBs have a noticeable impact for your brand both inside and outside the workplace. They provide the proof and confidence that your product or service is the real deal. 

For no-nonsense advice on how to craft RTBs that matter, get in touch.

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